Using jQuery UI to create sortable lists that are connected and have hidden overflow features

How can I hide overflow from two fixed-height divs containing sortable lists connected to each other without affecting their connection? For example, if overflow is set to hidden, the list item doesn't display when dragged outside of the div.

I'm aware of a potential solution involving calculating the maximum number of list items the div can accommodate and dynamically adjusting based on visible elements. However, I'm curious if there's a more effective approach available?

Answer №1

To resolve this issue, you can utilize the `appendTo` option in jQuery UI's sortable functionality. This option specifies where the helper object should be attached to within the DOM. By default, it is set to `parent`, which may cause problems if your draggable element is inside an element with `overflow: hidden`. To fix this, you can change the value to something like `body`. Here's an example:

$( ".selector" ).sortable({ appendTo: 'body' });

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