Utilizing Ant Design Icons without an Internet Connection

In my current project, a reactJS application utilizing ant design for the UI was recently deployed to production on locked down computers. These computers lack internet access, causing ant design icons on modals to appear as empty boxes. Upon investigation, I discovered that the icons are using CSS classes.

For instance, the CSS class for the red error "X" on the error modal is as follows:


Being unfamiliar with the CSS content attribute, I visited www.w3schools.com to learn more and experimented with the content value on their Try It page, obtaining the same empty box result experienced in our production environment.

I am seeking advice on how to import these icons into our project so they can be utilized offline. Any insights or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Answer №1

It appears that Ant Design is linking to font definitions in the CSS, causing issues when the computers are offline and unable to locate those fonts.

The documentation mentions that SVG Icons are also available, which should function without an internet connection. I recommend giving this a try by following the implementation steps outlined here: https://ant.design/components/icon/#SVG-icons

Answer №3

To incorporate tabler icons into your project, make sure to include the css file tabler-icons.css and the woff file tabler-icons.woff. Then, within your style.css, define a font-family called tabler-icons using @font-face.

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