Discover the name of a color using its HEX code or RGB values

Is there a way to retrieve the color name from RBG or HEX code using JavaScript or JQuery?

Take for instance:

Color Name    RGB   
black         #000000  
white         #FFFFFF  
red           #FF0000  
green         #008000

Answer №1

If you need help identifying colors, check out Name that Color.

For example:

let result ='#6195ed');

let rgb_value = result[0];      // #6495ed         : RGB value of closest match
let specific_name = result[1];  // Cornflower Blue : Color name of closest match
let is_exact_match = result[2]; // false           : True if exact color match

Another version of Name that Color offers extra features:

For example:

let result ='#6195ed');

let rgb_value = result[0];      // #6495ed         : RGB value of closest match
let specific_name = result[1];  // Cornflower Blue : Color name of closest match
let shade_value = result[2];    // #0000ff         : RGB value of shade of closest match
let shade_name = result[3];     // Blue            : Color name of shade of closest match
let is_exact_match = result[4]; // false           : True if exact color match

Answer №2

If you want to find the closest color name for any RGB combination, check out the color_classifier.js plugin. It effectively identifies the nearest color with a name.

To use it, follow these steps:

window.classifier = new ColorClassifier();
get_dataset('dataset.js', function (data){
var result_name = window.classifier.classify("#aaf000");

Answer №3

To start off, develop a function that will convert the rgb color to hsl:

function rgbToHsl(rgbArr) {
  var r1 = Number(rgbArr[0]) / 255, g1 = Number(rgbArr[1]) / 255, b1 = Number(rgbArr[2]) / 255;
  var maxColor = Math.max(r1,g1,b1), minColor = Math.min(r1,g1,b1);
  var L = (maxColor + minColor) / 2 , S = 0, H = 0;
  if(maxColor != minColor){
    if(L < 0.5){
      S = (maxColor - minColor) / (maxColor + minColor);
      S = (maxColor - minColor) / (2.0 - maxColor - minColor);
    if(r1 == maxColor){
      H = (g1-b1) / (maxColor - minColor);
    }else if(g1 == maxColor){
      H = 2.0 + (b1 - r1) / (maxColor - minColor);
      H = 4.0 + (r1 - g1) / (maxColor - minColor);
  L = L * 100;
  S = S * 100;
  H = H * 60;
    H += 360;
  return {h:H, s:S, l:L};

Next, create another function to categorize the colors based on their hsl values:

function determineColorName(hsl) {
        var l = Math.floor(hsl.l), s = Math.floor(hsl.s), h = Math.floor(hsl.h);
        if (s <= 10 && l >= 90) {
            return ("White")
        } else if (l <= 15) {
            return ("Black")
        } else if ((s <= 10 && l <= 70) || s === 0) {
            return ("Gray")
        } else if ((h >= 0 && h <= 15) || h >= 346) {
            return ("Red");
        } else if (h >= 16 && h <= 35) {
            if (s < 90) {
                return ("Brown");
            } else {
                return ("Orange");
        } else if (h >= 36 && h <= 54) {
            if (s < 90) {
                return ("Brown");
            } else {
                return ("Yellow");
        } else if (h >= 55 && h <= 165) {
            return ("Green");
        } else if (h >= 166 && h <= 260) {
            return ("Blue")
        } else if (h >= 261 && h <= 290) {
            return ("Purple")
        } else if (h >= 291 && h <= 345) {
            return ("Pink")

Lastly, include a function to determine the intensity of the color:

function getColorIntensity(rgb){
  var hex = "",hex += Number(rgb[0]).toString(16), hex += Number(rgb[1]).toString(16), hex += Number(rgb[2]).toString(16), txt = "";
  var rgbVal = parseInt(hex, 16);
  var r = (rgbVal >> 16) & 0xff; 
  var g = (rgbVal >>  8) & 0xff;
  var b = (rgbVal >>  0) & 0xff; 
  var intensity = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b;
  if(intensity >= 80 && intensity <= 100){
    txt = "semi dark";
  }    else if(intensity < 40){
    txt = "dark";
  }    else{
    txt = "light";
 return txt;


var colorCode = "rgb(253, 209, 57)";
var rgbValues = colorCode.replace(/[^0-9,]/g,'').replace().split(",");
var finalColorName = determineColorName(rgbToHsl(rgbValues))+" "+getColorIntensity(rgbValues);

Answer №4

This particular color scheme was generated by leveraging a specific query selector on this particular webpage

It could prove to be quite handy if you're working on a jQuery plugin or any other project without npm, and wish to steer clear of third-party libraries

JSON.stringify(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.colorbox')).map((el) => ({
    [el.querySelector('.colornamespan > a').innerText.toLowerCase()]: el.querySelector('.colorhexspan > a').innerText.toLowerCase()
})).reduce((acm, cur) => ({...acm, ...cur}), {}));

const wordToHex = {
    // List of colors with their respective hexadecimal values

const hexToWord =  Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(wordToHex).map(([k, v]) => [v, k]))

const toHex = (color) => wordToHex[color.toLowerCase()];
const fromHex = (hex) => hexToWord[hex.toLowerCase()];

Answer №5

For the sake of precision...

There exists a mere 139 color codes with an acknowledged identifier (not 140), among which two are known by both names!

The pairings are as follows:

  1. Aqua/Cyan = #00FFFF

  2. Fuchsia/Magenta = #FF00FF

Therefore, the complete count of color identifiers accepted by browsers is 141.

Answer №6

Check out the RGB values and their respective color names here:

The way in which you utilize this information will vary based on your specific needs - whether storing it in a database or hardcoding it into your application.

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