Column with a set width in Bootstrap

Is it possible to create a fixed width right column in Bootstrap while keeping the left column responsive?

I am currently working with Bootstrap 2.3.2

I want the right column to maintain its size regardless of screen size.

Answer №1

Below is a simple solution that demonstrates how to achieve the desired layout (view demo here). The CSS is styled to showcase the different elements with colors, but the key steps are outlined as follows:

For the Fixed Element:

  • Set float:right
  • Assign a fixed width

For the Fluid Row Element:

  • Add padding/margin-right equal to the width of the fixed element
  • Use box-sizing:border-box to maintain 100% width without extending due to margin/padding. The example markup below includes the essential components.


#fixed-width { 
#fluid.row-fluid {


<div class="clearfix">
    <div id="fixed-width">Content...</div>
    <div id="fluid" class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span4">a</div>
        <div class="span4">b</div>
        <div class="span4">c</div>

Answer №2

Bootstrap does not offer this specific design, but there are easy ways to achieve it.

One solution is to refer to the accepted answer on a previous Stack Overflow question Bootstrap: Fixed gutter width in fluid layout?

Additionally, you can use the following CSS trick:

.fluid-fixed {
  margin-right: 240px;
  margin-left:auto !important;

You can view how this works in action by checking out this fiddle:

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