Utilizing absolute positioning and overflow to extend an element beyond its boundaries

I successfully generated a speech bubble as an absolutely positioned element that I intend to have placed outside of its wrapper.

While I was able to correctly position the div, I'm facing an issue where the content outside of the div is getting clipped.

I attempted to resolve this issue by using the overflow:visible property, but it doesn't seem to be achieving the desired result. Any suggestions?


z-index: 99;


 <!-- Speech bubble-->
<div id="bubble"><img src="images/hire_me_bubble.png" 
                 alt="Hire me" />

Live site - Take a look at the bubble in question located in the lower contact section

Answer №1

The reason for the clipping appears to be attributed to one of the div elements within it: #contentbox. The overflow property is set to hidden. Changing it to visible makes the content fully visible, but also causes it to shift due to adjustments in its parent container.

Once it's made visible, you can opt to reposition it using absolute positioning (although not recommended), or experiment with resizing the parent element and adjusting the floating properties.

I trust this information proves helpful! :)

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