Utilize multiple background images in CSS with a set of three unique images

I have inserted three images into the background of my website's body. Two of them are displaying correctly (one with repeat-y), but the third one is not working. I've tried searching a lot but couldn't find a solution.

    background-image:     url(../_images/urdulower.png),   url(../_images/urduhead.png) ,   url(../_images/urdurepeating.png);
    background-position:  left bottom,                     left top,                        left 118px;
    background-repeat:    no-repeat,                       no-repeat,                       repeat-y;

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1



The element with the highest z-index will be displayed in front.

Answer №2

Indeed, the functionality is effective. Nevertheless, the repetitive graphic you are utilizing (http://magnolia.x87z.org/_assets/_images/repeatedimage.png) lacks transparency, resulting in obstructing the image below it.

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