I have devised the following:
Now, I want the 'independent' section at the top to be aligned to the right like the 'interactive' section. I attempted to use float: right; but it didn't work.
Here is my code:
.badgesblock{style: 'padding-left: 30px;'}
= image_tag 'independent.png', style: 'float:left;'
.independentcopy{style: ''}
%p{style: 'font-weight: bold;'} Independent
%p{style: 'width: 450px;'} We are the sole independent user review platform for wedding vendors. Businesses cannot manipulate reviews on their listings – this is why your clients trust us.
= image_tag 'verified.png', style: 'float:right;'
%p{style: 'font-weight: bold;'} Verified
%p{style: 'width: 450px;'} Every review and reviewer is verified. Each user inputs their personal information and authenticates their profile with a wedding date and photo. This results in a genuine, reliable review system.
= image_tag 'interactive.png', style: 'float:left;'
.interactivecopy{style: 'float:right;'}
%p{style: 'font-weight: bold;'} Interactive
%p{style: 'width: 450px;'} Passive display advertising has a limited impact. We offer a distinct chance to actively engage with potential clients and exhibit the stellar service at the core of your enterprise.
What am I overlooking in the CSS?