Adjust image loading according to screen dimensions

I am working on HTML code that currently displays an image. The code looks like this:

     <img id="wm01" alt="PP" title="PP" u="image" src="theImages/wm01.jpg" />

My goal is to show a different image based on the screen size. To start, I use CSS to hide the image:

#wm01 {
    display: none;

Next, in the BODY of my document, I add the following JavaScript code:

var w = window,
d = document,
e = d.documentElement,
g = d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
x = w.innerWidth || e.clientWidth || g.clientWidth,
y = w.innerHeight|| e.clientHeight|| g.clientHeight;

if (x<568) {
    document.getElementById("wm01").style.display = "block";
else {
    document.getElementById("wm01").style.display = "block";

Unfortunately, the image is not showing up on any screen size. How can I troubleshoot and fix this issue?

Answer №1

It has not been suggested to utilize the <picture> element yet.

The <picture> element offers the advantage of being able to specify different images for various window sizes.

For instance:

    <source srcset="some-bigger.png" media="(min-width: 500px)">
    <img src="some.png" alt="Some picture">

In your case, it would look like this:

    <source srcset="theImages/wm01_app.jpg" media="(min-width: 568px)">
    <img src="theImages/wm01.jpg" alt="PP">

This indicates that theImages/wm01_app.jpg should be used when the device width is at least 568px. Otherwise, the default <img> source will be used.

Answer №2

Have you considered utilizing the srcset and sizes attributes of the <img>

<img srcset="tiger-320w.jpg 320w,
             tiger-480w.jpg 480w,
             tiger-800w.jpg 800w"
     sizes="(max-width: 320px) 280px,
            (max-width: 480px) 440px,
     src="tiger-800w.jpg" alt="Bengal tiger">

For further information, check out Responsive_images

This feature is supported by all major browsers

Answer №3

If you want to ensure compatibility with browsers that do not support media queries, consider using CSS media query first and then JavaScript as a fallback option. In this example, the image is changed when the maximum width reaches 850px.


/* Media query to transform layout for devices with a maximum width of 850px */
#wm01 { 
@media screen and (max-width:850px) {
     #wm01 {


var width = $(window).width();
if (width >= 850) {
} else {


<div id="wm01" alt="PP" title="PP" u="image" /><!--comment for legacy browser --></div>
<img id="wm01" alt="PP" title="PP" u="image" />

Answer №5

Although there have been suggestions for alternative methods to address the issue of multiple images, your proposed solution highlights a common mistake - attempting to set the src attribute of an image before the DOM is fully loaded. To ensure everything is properly loaded, it's important to utilize window.onload. Consider updating your code as follows:

var win = window,
doc = document,
html = doc.documentElement,
body = doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
width = win.innerWidth || html.clientWidth || body.clientWidth,
height = win.innerHeight || html.clientHeight || body.clientHeight;

// Onload function:
window.onload = function(){
    if (width < 568) {
        doc.getElementById("wm01").src = "theImages/wm01_app.jpg";
        doc.getElementById("wm01").style.display = "block";
    else {
        doc.getElementById("wm01").src = "theImages/wm01.jpg";
        doc.getElementById("wm01").style.display = "block";

Answer №6

I implemented this code on my website and it worked flawlessly for me.


<figure class="picture"></figure>


    var screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
    if(screenWidth <= 650){
      $(".picture").html("<img src='images-min.jpg'/>")
    else if(screenWidth > 650 && screenWidth <=1300){
      $(".picture").html("<img src='images-med.jpg'/>")
      $(".picture").html("<img src='images-big.jpg'/>")

In this scenario, I utilized three different sizes of images.

Answer №7

Reduce image size and display a background image using a media query.

Please keep in mind that you need to be aware of the dimensions of the replacement image for this method.

Check out the Fiddle

<img id="wm01" alt="PP" title="PP" u="image" src="theImages/wm01.jpg" />

@media screen and (max-width:568px) {
  #wm01 {
    background: url("theImages/wm01_app.jpg") no-repeat 0 0;
    height: 0;
    width: 0;
    padding-bottom: 300px; /* replace with height of wm01_app.jpg */
    padding-right: 300px; /* replace with width of wm01_app.jpg */

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