Utilize a unique font exclusively for Internet Explorer

I am encountering a significant issue trying to utilize custom fonts in Internet Explorer.

Currently, I have implemented a specific font using @font-face and it works perfectly in modern browsers but fails to render properly in IE.

The method I am currently utilizing for the font in Chrome, Firefox, etc. is as follows:

font-family: xy;
src: url(fonts/xy.otf);


Is there a way to specify an alternative font specifically for IE?

Coding font-family: xy, iefont, sans; does not produce the desired effect due to the font being specified throughout various CSS rules and locations.

Similarly with

* {font-family: xy, iefont, sans !important}
, this disrupts the "FontAwesome" family declared earlier.

What is the simplest solution to style all text exclusively for Internet Explorer?

Answer №1

CSS Styling based on Internet Explorer

If you need to apply specific styles for different browsers, I have a suggestion:

A straightforward solution is to use this JavaScript library, which allows you to easily set styles for each browser and operating system combination:


By using this library, you will receive a class name on the body tag indicating the current browser name and version, along with the operating system being used.

To get started, include the following file:

<script src="js/browserclass.js"></script>

For instance, on Windows 8.1 with the latest Internet Explorer, you would see:

<body class="ie ie11 win desktop">

In your stylesheet, you can reference it like so: (with .sass styling)

  +declare-font-face('Open Sans Light', 'OpenSans-Light-webfont', 200)

Note: Conditional Comments in IE are only effective up to IE9!

SASS Mixin

Alternatively, if you are utilizing SASS, here is a useful mixin:

// ---------------------
// Font Face Mixin
// ---------------------
=declare-font-face($font-family, $font-filename, $font-weight: normal, $font-style: normal, $font-stretch: normal)
    font-family: #{$font-family}
    src: url("../fonts/#{$font-filename}.eot")
    src: url("../fonts/#{$font-filename}.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("../fonts/#{$font-filename}.svg##{$font-family}") format("svg"), url("../fonts/#{$font-filename}.woff") format("woff"), url("../fonts/#{$font-filename}.ttf") format("truetype")
    font-weight: $font-weight
    font-style: $font-style
    font-stretch: $font-stretch


+declare-font-face('Open Sans Light', 'OpenSans-Light-webfont', 200)

Answer №2

For full compatibility with Internet Explorer, it's important to utilize .eot font files. Even for IE8, you can ensure your fonts display correctly by converting them to woff and eot formats.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyWebFont';
  src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
  src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
       url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */
       url('webfont.ttf')  format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
       url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */

To generate these necessary files, consider using a tool like .

Answer №3

Conditional Comments in Internet Explorer can be utilized for this purpose.

<!--[if IE]>
.myfontclass {
//specify your custom font for IE here

I trust this information proves beneficial!

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