Varied selection menu feature

Looking to build a new component:

The idea is to create something similar to a dropdown list. I aim to incorporate this component into every cell (td) of table rows. The challenge lies in displaying the second div (item list) under the first div, but above the table rows.

Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this with CSS?

Answer №1

My first suggestion would be to have the popout div fly above rather than below. This way, it will always be 'above' (in z-index terms) the elements above, preventing it from being covered up by successive table rows.

Secondly, you can implement something like this:

<div class="action">
   <div class="select"><!-- place select box here --></div>
   <div class="popout"><!-- put stuff here --></div>

To activate it with CSS, use the following styling:

div.action {
} {
div.popout {
   display:none; /* reveal on hover */
div.action:hover div.popout {

If you need compatibility with old versions of IE, you can add this JavaScript to the action div:

<div class="action" onmouseover=""this.className='action hover'" onmouseout="this.className='action'">

Then utilize a class of hover instead of the state:

div.hover div.popout {

I hope that meets your requirements! :)

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