Using Vuejs to dynamically apply a class and trigger a function based on a specified condition

I am currently facing three small issues in my Vue app. The first problem involves class binding. I have a bootstrap card that displays a question and its related answers. When a user clicks on a radio input, their answer is saved and the other options are disabled.

I am dynamically checking if the user's answer is correct, but I am struggling to change the class of the card border accordingly. I want the border to be black before the answer is revealed, and then change to border-success if the answer is correct, or border-danger if it is wrong. However, my attempts with the code provided have not been successful as the border is always given the border-danger class even if no answer has been chosen.

<div class="card text-dark bg-light border-secondary shadow mt-3 mb-3" :class="[userAnswers[qindex] === correctAnswers[qindex] && answered[qindex] ? 'border-success' : 'border-danger']">

Another issue I encountered is with the card footer in the app's UI. I added a card footer that is initially hidden until the question is answered. It is supposed to display the correct answer, but I noticed a graphical glitch where it briefly appears and then disappears when a correct answer is given.

<div class="card-footer bg-transparent border-success fw-bold" v-show="userAnswers[qindex] !== correctAnswers[qindex]">The correct answer is: {{ correctAnswers[qindex] }}</div>

In an attempt to fix this, I have experimented with both v-if and the current v-show methods, as well as adding a CSS transition to the element, but none seem to resolve the issue.

.card-footer {
  transition: ease-in .3s;

The final and most critical problem involves a conditional check. I want to display a modal when the user has answered all available questions. I have tried adding an if() statement in the mounted hook of Vue, but it never triggers. I have also attempted to call the method inside the .then() callback of the axios call that checks each question's answer, but again without success.

export default {
  name: 'App',
    return {
      isLoading: true,
      showResult: false,
      elaspedTime: null,
      questions: [],
      answered: {},
      userAnswers: [],
      correctAnswers: []
    // This statement will never be evaluated 
    if( this.answered.length === this.questions.length ){
  methods: {
        method: 'GET',
        url: 'http://localhost:8990/init'
      }).then( (res) => {
        this.questions = [];
        this.questions =;
        this.isLoading = false;
    checkAnswer(qindex, index, value){
      // console.log(qindex, index, value);
      this.answered[qindex] = true;
        method: 'POST',
        url: 'http://localhost:8990/answercheck',
        data: {
          questionIndex: index,
          choice: value
      }).then( (res) => {
      // Implement further logic after all questions are answered

If anyone can provide assistance in resolving these issues, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Answer №1

There are three questions that need addressing.

Concerning the first query:

The issue lies in the wrapping of the condition within [] for the class. This adjustment should rectify it:

<div class="card text-dark bg-light border-secondary shadow mt-3 mb-3" :class="!userAnswers[qindex] ? ‘’ : userAnswers[qindex] === correctAnswers[qindex] && answered[qindex] ? 'border-success' : 'border-danger'">

Regarding the second question:

There may be a scenario where while waiting for a response from the server, userAnswers[qindex] holds the correct answer value, but correctAnswers[qindex] remains undefined until the response is received. In that split second, they may not be equal, causing the footer to briefly appear and then disappear. To address this, validate:

correctAnswers[qundex] && userAnswers[qindex] !== correctAnswers[qindex]

With respect to the third inquiry

The recommended approach would be to place the condition within the .then block of checkAnswer() as you had attempted. The issue arises from checking this.answered.length, where this.answered is an Object, not an Array, and lacks a .length property. Verify it by:

Object.keys(this.answered).length === this.questions.length

Therefore, the revised method should be:

checkAnswer(qindex, index, value){
      // console.log(qindex, index, value);
      this.answered[qindex] = true;
        method: 'POST',
        url: 'http://localhost:8990/answercheck',
        data: {
          questionIndex: index,
          choice: value
      }).then((res) => {
        if(Object.keys(this.answered).length === this.questions.length){

On another note, the reason the condition failed when called within mounted() is because mounted only triggers upon component initialization – it does not monitor changes. Further information can be found in the Vue documentation

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