problem with selection of date and month in dropdown list with jquery

Recently, I've been dabbling in jQuery and decided to create two list boxes using it. One box contains dates while the other contains months. It's quite handy since I need them in different sections of my HTML page. However, when attempting to encapsulate this functionality within a function, things didn't go as planned. Here is the link to the code on JSFiddle

      <div class="drop">
       <div style="float:left;">Date of Birth : &nbsp;</div>
       <div class="current"><input type="text"  name="Mem_DOB" class="memdate1"/></div>
     <div class="alldate1"></div> <div class="allmonth1"></div>

      <div class="drop">
       <div style="float:left;">Wedding Anniversery : &nbsp;</div>
       <div class="current"><input type="text"  name="Mem_WAnn" class="memdate2"/></div>
     <div class="alldate2"></div> <div class="allmonth2"></div>

$(document).ready(function () {
 $('.memdate1').click(function () {
    var date = $('.alldate1').attr('id');
    var month = $('allmonth1').attr('id'); 
    GenerateCalendar(date, month);
$('.memdate2').click(function () {
    var date = $('.alldate1').attr('id');
    var month = $('allmonth2').attr('id'); 
    GenerateCalendar(date, month);

function GenerateCalendar(date,month) {
    var arr = []
    for (var i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
        arr.push({ val: i, text: i })
    var sel = $('<select>');
    $(arr).each(function () {
        sel.append($("<option>").attr('value', this.val)
    $('.div'+ date).html(sel);
    $('.div'+ date).show();
    //month list
    var arr = [
        { val: 'January', text: 'January' },
        { val: 'February', text: 'February' },
        { val: 'March', text: 'March' },
        { val: 'April', text: 'April' },
        { val: 'May', text: 'May' },
        { val: 'June', text: 'June' },
        { val: 'July', text: 'July' },
        { val: 'August', text: 'August' },
        { val: 'September', text: 'September' },
        { val: 'October', text: 'October' },
        { val: 'November', text: 'November' },
        { val: 'December', text: 'December' },
    var sel = $('<select>');

    $(arr).each(function () {
        sel.append($("<option>").attr('value', this.val)

    $('.div' + month).html(sel);
    $('.div' + month).show();
    //$('.memdate').hide();$("div#" + name).


Answer №1


let number = $('.allnumbers').attr('id');


let number = $(this).val();

since the ID attribute is not specified for HTML elements.

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