How to prevent the scroll bar from affecting a fixed div located at the top of the page

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I am struggling with setting up a fixed menu div at the top and a content div below it on my site. I want the scroll bar to only apply to the content div and not the header div at the top, but I can't seem to figure out how to use overflow-y:scroll for this purpose.

Answer №1

If you're looking for a solution to handle layout and content height dynamically, PrimeFaces's layout/layoutUnit components may be just what you need. These components utilize javascript to calculate and set content heights, automatically adjusting when the page is resized.

For a demonstration of how these components work, check out their showcase:

To enable overflow-y functionality, it may be necessary to set a fixed height. One approach to achieving dynamic height adjustments is through calculated values or by utilizing CSS positioning properties like left, right, top, and bottom.

Implementing these techniques can help create visually appealing layouts with flexible and responsive designs. Best regards!

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