Using the 'active' class in Bootstrap-4 Navbar specifically for the parent element

As I style the navbar in Bootstrap 4, I encounter an issue with dropdown items. Specifically, when I apply the 'active' class to highlight a dropdown item, all sub-items (children) end up with the same highlighting effect. This results in an unappealing appearance.

In the provided example, I am seeking a solution where 'Link dd1' and 'Link dd2' do not receive the highlight intended for the parent menu item.

If anyone has insights on how to only highlight the parent menu item without affecting the sub-items, I would greatly appreciate it.

View the code sample on Fiddle


#x .active a{color:yellow ; background-color:brown;}

<nav id="x" class="navbar navbar-expand-sm bg-dark navbar-dark">
  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Logo</a>
  <ul class="navbar-nav">
    <li class="nav-item">
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link 1</a>
    <li class="nav-item">
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link 2</a>

    <!-- Dropdown -->
    <li class="nav-item dropdown active">
      <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbardrop" data-toggle="dropdown">
        Dropdown link
      <div class="dropdown-menu">
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Link dd1</a>
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Link dd2</a>

<div class="container">
  <h3>Navbar With Dropdown</h3>
  <p>This example adds a dropdown menu in the navbar.</p>

Answer №1

The sub-items are highlighted because of the CSS styling you applied:

#x .active a {

This code instructs the browser to highlight all anchor tags within active menus.

If you want to highlight only the parent menu, you can specify it like this:

#x .active a.nav-link {        

Check out the demo:

You can also use this code for more specific highlighting:

#x .active > a {        

See the demo in action:

This will help achieve the desired effect.

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