Using Semantic-UI causes issues with the functionality of the height property set to 100%

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  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

  <div class="ui secondary pointing menu" id="menu">
    <a class="active item">Home</a>
    <a class="item" href="/tests">Tests</a>
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  <div class="pusher">
    <div class="ui vertical center aligned segment top-section" id="firstDiv">

      <div class="ui container">
        <div class="ui text container">
          <h1 class="ui header">Heading</h1>



My recent project uses Semantic UI for styling, with a structured layout consisting of a navigation menu and a prominent heading within a div element. I wanted this div to fill 100% of the screen height, but encountered difficulties during implementation.

While searching for solutions, I stumbled upon this resource offering guidance on achieving full-screen heights in CSS layouts. Despite following the tutorial closely, I couldn't achieve the desired result. The struggle has been frustrating as I'm relatively new to web development.

Answer №1

1.) The main container for your #top-section element is .pusher, but it currently has no set height. To fix this, you should add a height of 100% to the .pusher.

2.) Although you have defined a height of 100% for .top-section, the ID #firstDiv (which does not have a specified height) will take precedence. To ensure consistency, also add a height of 100% to #firstDiv.

Check out this link for more information on the topic.

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