To achieve the desired effect, start by adding the gradient followed by the image URL in your CSS code, similar to the example below:
background: linear-gradient(rgba(140, 26, 184, 0.75),
rgba(55, 211, 127, 0.65),
rgba(28, 77, 177, 0.85),
rgba(210, 16, 94, 0.95)),
You can also refer to this snippet for guidance:
.custom-bg {
background: linear-gradient(
rgba(140, 26, 184, 0.45),
rgba(55, 211, 127, 0.35),
rgba(28, 77, 177, 0.55),
rgba(210, 16, 94, 0.65)),
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
<div class="custom-bg"></div>
We hope this explanation serves you well!