Swap the content of one div with another div using client-side code only

Currently, I am in the process of developing my personal website. To enhance user experience, I have implemented a vertical navigation bar on the left side of the page. My goal is to replace the content of a specific div with content from other HTML files when a link is clicked on the navigation bar. However, duplicating the navigation code on all pages would not be efficient.

I attempted to use the .load() method for this task, but it seems to require a server. For a simple site where content needs to be replaced dynamically from different HTML files, what alternatives can I explore?

For example:

index.html file

<li><a href="javascript:display_blogs()">Blogs</a></li>
<div id="content"></div>

blogs.html file

<div id="GETBLOG">I am a blog.</div>

app.js file

function display_blogs() {

  $('#content').load("blogs.html #GETBLOG");

Upon clicking the "Blogs" link, the text "I am a blog" should appear in the "content" div.

I need an alternative solution as I suspect that the .load method only functions with a server. Is there a way to accomplish this without relying on a server?

Answer №1

Give this jQuery code a try:

$('elementName').get( url,[data],[callback] );
Ensure to substitute elementName with the desired tag name.

Answer №2

$("#pageContent").get('pages/page1.html #divid2load');
// grab the #divid2load div section from the specified HTML page.

Answer №3

By using AJAX to call one of your HTML files, you can retrieve the content of that specific file.

One strategy is to divide your content into partials and dynamically load them as required in different sections of your website.

Another option is to fetch the file and extract the desired content by parsing through it, such as fetching content within a tag like #GETBLOG.

Answer №4

Explore the API: .replaceWith by visiting this link

For instance:


See a demonstration in action here



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