Using Modernizr to determine the presence of nth-child in a test

I'm attempting to utilize modernizr in order to check for browser support of the :nth-child selector, but I am unsure of how to proceed. I came across this particular example on which tests for :last-child. However, I am uncertain about how to modify it to detect :nth-child. (I was also considering using a similar approach since I believe that browsers lacking support for :last-child also lack support for :nth-child, but I cannot be certain).

Could anyone provide some assistance? Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

If you're looking to check for support of the :nth-child pseudo-class, I've got a function that can help with that

function checkNthChildSupport(){
var result = false,
    test =  document.createElement('ul'),
    style = document.createElement('style');
test.setAttribute('id', 'nth-child-test');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
style.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
style.setAttribute('id', 'nth-child-test-style');
style.innerHTML = "#nth-child-test li:nth-child(even){height:10px;}";
for(var i=0; i<3; i++){
  if(document.getElementById('nth-child-test').getElementsByTagName('li')[1].offsetHeight == 10) {result = true;}
  return result;

To use this function:

checkNthChildSupport() ? console.log('Yes, :nth-child is supported') : console.log('No, :nth-child is NOT supported');

You can test it out live here:

It's worth noting the distinction between jQuery's :nth-child and CSS's :nth-child.

While jQuery's :nth-child is compatible with any browser that supports jQuery, CSS's :nth-child has limited support in IE9, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.

Answer №2

I have a vague recollection of a Modernizr selectors plugin that checked for selector support, although I'm unable to locate it at the moment. You might want to check out this resource: as an alternative.

Answer №3

Another option is to integrate Selectivizr in order to include support for CSS3 selectors on browsers that do not natively support them.

Answer №4

Dear Mohsen, we appreciate your decision. In the event that someone requires jQuery functionality:

function runTest(){

  var output = false,
      testElement = $('<ul id="nth-child-test"><li/><li/><li/></ul>').appendTo($('body')),
      styleTag = $('<style type="text/css">#nth-child-test li:nth-child(even){height:10px;}</style>').appendTo($('head'));

  if(testElement.children('li').eq(1).height() == 10)
    output = true;


  return output;

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