Is there a way to display a different file, such as index.html, based on the screen width?

I'm facing an issue.

I have completed a web page (with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), but now I want to create a mobile version using different HTML files, another index.html file, and a separate CSS file. What changes do I need to make in the main page's code so that when the site is accessed on a device with a screen width of less than 800 pixels, it will automatically launch the mobile version?

Answer №1

Make sure to include the following code snippet in your page's onload event:

if(window.innerWidth < 800{
    window.location = '/mobile/index.html';

Alternatively, for better cross-browser support, you can use this:

if(window.screen.width < 800{
    window.location = '/mobile/index.html';

Answer №2

Although it might not be the response you were expecting, this code snippet will redirect users who are using a touch screen device such as a phone or tablet.

    if( 'ontouchstart' in window ){
        window.location = 'mobile/index.html';

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