Centering Text and Image in React Horizontally

I'm attempting to achieve a layout similar to the one shown in the image below. Currently, my image is positioned at the top with the text below it. I would like to arrange it so that the text appears on the right side of the image.

Please take a look at this CodeSandbox link HERE


const drawer = (
      <h2 className={classes.headerTitle}>Login</h2>
      <Divider />
      <div className={classes.headerIcon}>
        <AccountCircleIcon fontSize="large" />
      <h5 className={classes.headerName}>Bake</h5>
      <p className={classes.headerRole}>User</p>
      <Divider />

Answer №1

When I needed to align my icon, name, and role in a row, simply adding display: "flex" to the children wasn't enough. Instead, I wrapped them in a parent div with the classes.wrapper that had properties like display: "flex", flexDirection:"row",

justifyContent: "center"
, and alignItems:"center". This allowed me to easily arrange these elements horizontally:

<div className="classes.wrapper">
  <div>This one is to the left</div>
  <div>This one is to the right</div>

However, keep in mind that if you add more divs under the one on the right, they will stack vertically because the flexDirection property only applies to direct children of the wrapper.

<div className="classes.wrapper">
  <div>This one is to the left</div>
       <div>This one will appear above</div>
       <div>This one will be below</div>

I also made some adjustments to the code. Here's an overview:

// Import necessary dependencies...
import React from "react";
// Add your custom styles using Material UI components...

export default function LoginForm() {
  const classes = useStyles();

  const drawer = (
      // Include content for the sidebar drawer...

  return (
    // Return the navigation component with responsive drawers...

If you want to dive deeper into flexbox usage in CSS, I recommend checking out this comprehensive guide.

Answer №2

I have customized the layout by adjusting the text alignment and styling next to the icon. Additional styling can be applied:

import React from "react";
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/styles";
import Divider from "@material-ui/core/Divider";
import Drawer from "@material-ui/core/Drawer";
import Hidden from "@material-ui/core/Hidden";
import AccountCircleIcon from "@material-ui/icons/AccountCircle";
import "./styles.css";

const headerStyles = {
  display: "flex",
  justifyContent: "center"

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  root: {
    display: "flex"
  headerTitle: {
    fontSize: "1.3rem",
    cursor: "pointer"
  headerIcon: {
    marginTop: "1rem"
  headerName: {
    marginTop: "0.2rem"
  headerRole: {
    marginTop: "-0.8rem",
    marginBottom: "1rem"
  iconButtons: {
    marginLeft: "auto"
  userName: {
    display: "flex",
    flexDirection: "row"

export default function LoginForm() {
  const classes = useStyles();

  const drawer = (
      <h2 className={classes.headerTitle}>Login</h2>
      <Divider />
      <div className={classes.userName}>
        <div className={classes.headerIcon}>
          <AccountCircleIcon fontSize="large" />
          <h5 className={classes.headerName}>Bake</h5>
          <p className={classes.headerRole}>User</p>
      <Divider />

  return (
    <nav className={classes.drawer}>
      <Hidden lgUp implementation="css">
            paper: classes.drawerPaper
            keepMounted: true
      <Hidden implementation="css">
            paper: classes.drawerPaper

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