using mixins with styled-components

I have encountered a challenge while attempting to pass a mixin from Material UI to a styled-component. The problem lies in finding a way to transfer the mixin value to the styled-component without having to assign it to a css property. Unfortunately, directly passing the mixin like this does not work:

const Example = styled.div`
  ${p => p.theme.mixins.toolbar};

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the issue was caused by the presence of a semi-colon adjacent to the closing '}'. It seems that including a semi colon leads the styled-component to interpret the mixin as a regular property instead.

Answer №1

To apply the mixins, ensure you spread them out like this:

const Example = styled.div`
  ${props => ({ ...props.theme.mixins.toolbar })}

However, the above code will produce a style object so you need to convert it into CSS-compatible syntax by doing the following:

const Example = styled.div`
  ${props => (Object.entries({ ...props.theme.mixins.toolbar }).reduce((styleString, [propName, propValue]) => {
      if (propName.indexOf('@') !== -1) {
        // handle media queries
        return `${styleString}${propName} { ${Object.entries(propValue).reduce((ss, [pn, pv]) => {
          pn = pn.replace(/([A-Z])/g, m => `-${m[0].toLowerCase()}`);
          return `${ss}${pn}:${pv+(Number.isInteger(pv) ? 'px' : '')};`;
        }, '')}; }`;
      propName = propName.replace(/([A-Z])/g, matches => `-${matches[0].toLowerCase()}`); 
      return `${styleString}${propName}:${propValue+(Number.isInteger(propValue) ? 'px' : '')};`; 
    }, ''))}

Answer №2

After trying your suggestion, I found that removing the semicolon did not resolve the issue. This alternative solution worked for me:

import React from "react";
import { createMuiTheme } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
import styled, { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";

const Content = styled.div`
  toolbar: ${props => props.theme.mixins.toolbar};

const theme = createMuiTheme();

const Wrapper = props => {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      <Content children={props.children} />

export default Wrapper;

Answer №3

After going through this guide, I found a very straightforward piece of code:

const Offset = styled('div')(({ theme }) => theme.mixins.toolbar);

function App() {
  return (
      <AppBar position="fixed">
        <Toolbar>{/* content */}</Toolbar>
      <Offset />

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