Automatically resize ui-select dropdown box to the left side

I've been tasked with incorporating AngularJS ui-select into my project, specifically creating a multiselect dropdown. Currently, the dropdown box automatically adjusts its width based on the length of the longest selectable text, causing it to extend beyond the width of the input fields. My goal is to align this box to the left side instead of its default right alignment.

<td style="width: 100px; vertical-align: text-top;">
                <div class="multiSelect">
                  <form name="inputForm" >
                        <ui-select ui-grid-edit-ui-select ng-required="isRequired" ng-model="dr.dir" append-to-body="true"
                            multiple search-enabled="false" close-on-select="false" hide-tags="true" hide-caret="true"
                            ng-style="{height:grid.options.rowHeight -1 }"
                            class="gridSelect multi" uis-open-close="dropdownClosedResolve(isOpen,$select);" custom-driver-multiselect="dr">
                          <ui-select-choices repeat="field in fields" position="auto">
                            <!-- <div ng-bind-html="field.title"></div> -->
                          <div ng-bind-html="field.title" style="margin-right: 20px"></div>
                          <div ng-class={"Ac":$select.isActive(this)} class="x-file"></div>

The CSS for this ui-select component remains at its default settings.

Answer №1

If you are utilizing the bootstrap template, there is a method to accomplish this.

The menu options appear in a dropdown format, which means you can adjust its alignment using specific classes. If you are working with bootstrap v3.1.0 or higher, the necessary class to use is dropdown-menu-right in conjunction with dropdown-menu:

.dropdown-menu-right {
    right: 0;
    left: auto;

Since the ui-select directive doesn't offer a control attribute for this and the dropdown-menu is concealed within the template, applying these styles manually is required. Here's an example:

The styling:

.uiselect-menu-right .ui-select-dropdown {
    right: 0;
    left: auto;

Implementing in the markup:

<ui-select ... class="uiselect-menu-right">...</ui-select>


I noticed that if you (similar to me) are using append-to-body, the above approach won't work. As a workaround, I devised a brief directive to include the class in the list:

    .directive("uiselectMenuRight", uiselectMenuRight);

function uiselectMenuRight() {

    return {
        restrict: "C",
        link: linkFunction

    function linkFunction($scope, $element, $attrs) {
        var list = $element[0].querySelector('.ui-select-choices');

Simply assign the uiselect-menu-right class to your ui-select element and it should function as intended.

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