Using jQuery's .append() method within a for loop

As a newbie in JavaScript, I've been trying to find answers to my questions, but the solutions I've come across are quite complex for my level of understanding. One specific issue I'm tackling involves creating a grid of divs using user input, where the width of the grid is determined by the user (e.g. if the user picks a width of 16, a 16x16 grid should be generated).

My approach was to add a DOM element like this:

var $smallDiv = $('<div class="smallDiv"></div>');

Below is the loop I used to add the necessary number of divs based on user input:

function addDiv() {
for (i = 1; i <= divCounter * divCounter; i++){

However, I encountered an issue where this loop only produced a single div. The loop itself worked fine since I confirmed it with console.log(), but it seems that each iteration overwrote the previous div rather than adding a new one as expected. This behavior was unexpected, given my use of .append().

To work around this problem, I had to switch the $smallDiv variable to a regular one (removing the $ from its value, essentially turning it into plain text). I'm curious to know why these two variables behave differently in this scenario and why one worked while the other didn't.

Since I'm still new to JS/jQuery, I'd appreciate some straightforward explanations to help me grasp the concept better.

Answer №1

When looping, it is important to create a new instance of a DOM element reference ($smallDiv) in each iteration. Otherwise, the element will only be added once.

To achieve this, you can utilize the .clone() method to duplicate the element in every loop iteration.

function addDiv() {

Answer №2

Instead of following Arun P Johny's solution, here is another approach that appears to be effective:

var newDiv = '<div class="newDiv"></div>'

function insertDiv() {

for (num = 1; num <= divCount * divCount; num++){

This method creates a unique string for appending a different DOM element each time.

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