Tips for implementing `overflow-x: hidden` on a `ValueContainer` when using `isMulti` in react-select V2

I'm currently grappling with finding a solution to have a react-select V2 component, configured as isMulti, hide selected values that exceed the width of the ValueContainer rather than breaking to a new line and expanding the component's height.

My attempts to achieve this by applying the following style to the valueContainer have been unsuccessful:

 valueContainer: base => ({
            overflowX: "hidden"

You can check out an example demonstrating the current undesirable behavior (my intention is for the 3rd value to be partially hidden or truncated on the same line as the other 2 values instead of appearing on a new line).

Do you have any suggestions?

Answer №1

Consider utilizing the css style inline-block.

valueContainer: base => ({
        display: "inline-block",
        overflowX: "hidden"

If you apply this style to the input element as well, it will prevent wrapping.

    valueContainer: base => ({
        display: "inline-block",
        overflowX: "hidden"
    input: base => ({
        display: "inline-block"

To ensure that all elements stay on the same line without breaking between blocks, add whiteSpace: 'nowrap' to the containing control:

      control: base => ({
        width: 200,
        whiteSpace: "nowrap"
      menu: base => ({ ...base, width: 200 }),
      valueContainer: base => ({
        overflowX: "hidden",
        display: "inline-block"
      input: base => ({
        display: "inline-block"

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