Using jQuery to select the third element from every group of six

I am attempting to select the 3rd .foo element out of every set of 6. To clarify, here is a brief example:

3 (this)
3 (this)
and so on...

So far, I have only managed to target every 3rd element, which is not exactly what I need because it also selects the first .foo:

$('.foo').each(function() {

    if(!($('.foo').index(this) % 3)) {

        $( this ).css( "background-color", "red" );


If anyone has any ideas on how to achieve the desired outcome as per my illustration, I would greatly appreciate the help!

Answer №1

In my opinion, the nth-child() method suggested by @Arbel is preferable, but to make your question code work with a small modification, you can do the following:

$('.foo').each(function() {    
    if(!(($('.foo').index(this)-2) % 6)) {    
        $( this ).css( "background-color", "red" );

Essentially, what you want is every 6th element, starting from an offset of 2.

On a side note, the jQuery function 'each' actually passes in both the index and the element itself (native element) to the iterator function. So, you could rewrite the above code like this:

$('.foo').each(function(i,ele) {
    if(!((i-2) % 6)) {
       $(ele).css( "background-color", "red" );


I mentioned that I preferred the nth-child approach, however, considering some of the comments, using nth-of-type may be more suitable for your needs.

For more information, check out these links:

Mozilla nth-of-type


CSS Tricks comparison of the two

Here's an example using nth-of-type:

    background-color: red;

NOTE: The reason for the difference in the formula to determine the element you want (i.e. i-2 % 6 or 6n-3) is because JavaScript starts indexing at 0 as the first element, while CSS begins with 1 for the n in nth-child or nth-of-type selectors.

Answer №2

To easily target every 6th element minus 3, you can use the CSS selector nth-child(6n-3)

Check out a live demonstration:

If you prefer using jQuery, here is an example:

$('.bar:nth-child(6n-3)').css("color", "blue");

You can view your updated demo with jQuery here:

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