In my current Next.js project, I tried setting up a new [collectionId].jsx file within the pages directory, but I am facing issues with getting

In my current next.js project, I recently created a file named [collectionId].jsx within the pages directory. Interestingly, I noticed that Tailwind CSS does not seem to work properly with this file. However, when I renamed the file to [collectionId].js without the 'x', Tailwind CSS started working just fine. This sparked the question in my mind - could it be due to the brackets causing an issue? I am curious why Tailwind CSS behaves differently with files ending in .jsx compared to those ending in .js. Any insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

It seems that your configuration is specifically searching for a file with the extension .jsx using a glob path containing pure text, and not recognizing the ] as part of the filename.

If you require the brackets in the file name, you may need to modify how it searches for files to account for the brackets.

Without reviewing the webpack or tailwind config directly, resolving this issue might be a bit challenging.

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