Changing React Phone Number input field's default style: A step-by-step guide

Is there a way to modify the appearance of the react-phone-number-input component using this npm package:

I am working with React Hook Form and Tailwind CSS alongside this component. However, I'm facing issues with changing the background and border colors, as well as adjusting the border width. I am uncertain about how to customize the style.

    //React hook form
    const {
        formState: { errors },
      } = useForm();

      className="rounded rounded-full bg-gray-100 py-1 px-2 text-gray-700 shadow-sm border-green"

Answer №1

Setting classes may not work due to component styles overriding them. Instead, you can use the style prop to customize the appearance. Don't forget to import the component styles as well using

import 'react-phone-number-input/style.css'

   style={{borderRadius: 3px, ...}}

Answer №2

While troubleshooting a similar issue, I stumbled upon this solution and thought it would be helpful to share here for others who might be searching on Google.

In my case, I utilized the PhoneInputWithCountry component from 'react-phone-number-input/react-hook-form' along with Tailwind CSS. To easily style the input field, I passed some Tailwind classes to the numberInputProps as shown below.

  name="phone" // replace with your react-hook-form field name
  control={control} // from react-hook-form
    className: 'rounded-md px-4 focus:outline-none...' // Tailwind classes

You can find detailed documentation here, including explanations of all other input props that can be used. This approach saved me time compared to creating a custom input field. Hopefully this tip proves useful to you as well :)

Answer №3

I encountered a similar issue and found success by incorporating tailwind css directly into the inputProps

view image details here

  <label htmlFor="phone" className="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700">Phone Number: 
            className:"bg-opacity-50 text-gray-950 mt-2 block border rounded-md border-gray-700 h-[48px] w-[450px] pl-[45px] pr-[12px] justify-between shadow-sm focus:border-gray-300 focus:ring focus:ring-gray-200"

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