Using Jquery to enhance navigation tabs with pointers

I am facing an issue where the class .hover and .over are added to the entire list whenever I mouseover any list item. I understand that this is happening due to my jQuery code, but I would like to find a way for jQuery to only add the class to the specific list anchor being hovered over instead of all of them at once.

$('.menuContainer li a').append('<span></span>');

$(".menuContainer li a").mouseover(
        function() {
            $('.menuContainer li a span').addClass('hover');
        return false;
$(".menuContainer li a").mouseout(
        function() {
            $('.menuContainer li a span').removeClass('hover');
        return false;

<div class="menuContainer">
 <li class="1">
<a href="#">list item<span></span></a>
 <li class="2">
<a href="#">list item<span></span></a>
 <li class="3">
<a href="#">list item<span></span></a>

I aim to use the .hover class to display a background image as a pointer to highlight the currently hovered item in the list.

Answer №1

To target the span of the current anchor, you can use the syntax $("span", this) as shown below:

$('.menuContainer li a').append('<span></span>');

$(".menuContainer li a").mouseover(
        function() {
            $("span", this).addClass('hover');
        return false;
$(".menuContainer li a").mouseout(
        function() {
            $("span", this).removeClass('hover');
        return false;

As explained in this post, it utilizes .find() to search within the specified selector element.

I hope this explanation proves helpful :)

Answer №2

Damien-at-SF makes a valid point. However, I believe it would just create more work.

Instead of changing your code, why not experiment with the css? For styling the <span> elements, you can do it like this,

.menuContainer li a.over span { .... }
.menuContainer li a.over span.hover { .... }

In my experience, it's better to add or remove classes in situations where there is a sibling relationship (such as with the <li> elements).

Your code could then be shortened to something like this,

$(".menuContainer li a").mouseover(
    function() {

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