Using jQuery to dynamically create multiple span elements from an array of strings

I have a software application that is designed to identify key words and apply CSS highlighting to them.

Utilizing jQuery for this purpose, my goal is to enable users to customize which words are highlighted.

The issue I'm currently facing is not the lack of highlighting (good news), but rather the inconsistency in the highlighting process (bad news). Although I have specified certain words to be colored (such as balloon, Dorothy, cyclone), sometimes these words are not all or none are correctly highlighted.

Hopefully, looking at this example on jsFiddle will provide better clarity than my explanation. As shown by the second line, the first word and keyword, Dorothy, remains uncolored when it should be red.

Thank you in advance for your help. Please excuse any confusion in my message, and feel free to share your feedback!

Answer №1

Do you find this satisfactory?

     var keywords = new Array("Dorothy","cyclone","miles","house","balloon");
     var regex = new RegExp(keywords.join("|"),"g");
     $('#oz li').html( function(i,value){
          return value.replace(regex,
               '<span containsStringImLookingFor="true" id="$&">$&</span>');


regex is

, a regular expression that matches all the words in your array. The .replace() method replaces all matched words with '
<span containsStringImLookingFor="true" id="{matched word}">matched word</span>
' template. '$&' indicates the current matched word.

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