CSS Interactive Design Breakpoints

Do my Break points at 768, 480, and 225 provide enough support for a responsive design, or should I consider adding more?

  • 768 + | Computer
  • 480 - 768 | Tablet
  • 225 - 480 | Smartphone
  • 225 < | Phone / Mini Browser

Answer №1

Don't get caught up in designing for specific types of displays, as there are endless resolutions to consider. Instead, begin with the maximum resolution on your own display and adjust the browser window gradually to identify natural breakpoints for your content. Address these breakpoints as they arise, rather than trying to predetermine them based on potential resolutions. By following this approach, your design will be adaptable to any display size, ensuring future compatibility with new devices.

There's no need to scrap your existing breakpoints entirely; simply review them to determine if additional breakpoints are necessary or if adjustments can be made to optimize efficiency.

For a more in-depth exploration of this topic, check out this article from Smashing Magazine.

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