Using jQuery to animate the grayscale filter with a value of 0

Currently, I am implementing the Waypoints jQuery plugin to add animation to a series of images as a user scrolls over them. My goal is to apply certain CSS properties - opacity:1, filter:grayscale(0), -webkit-filter:grayscale(0), and -moz-filter:grayscale(0) - when the user interacts with these images.

The opacity effect is working fine on its own and successfully achieving the desired result. However, I am facing challenges in getting the grayscale filters (filter:grayscale(0), -webkit-filter:grayscale(0), -moz-filter:grayscale(0)) to work properly. Below is the code snippet I am using. I believe the solution might be straightforward, but I am struggling to pinpoint it.

/* Waypoints
-------------------------------------------------- */
/* set-defaults
------------------------- */
    $.fn.waypoint.defaults = {
    context: window,
    continuous: true,
    enabled: true,
    horizontal: false,
    offset: 0,
    triggerOnce: true

/* #about-section-two
------------------------- */
    $('#about-section-two').waypoint(function() {
    $('.avatar' ).delay(0).animate({opacity: 1, filter: "grayscale(0)", -webkit-filter: "grayscale(0)", -moz-filter: "grayscale(0)"});
}, { offset: '50%' });

Any assistance or guidance on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Sincerely, Ian

Answer ā„–2

jQuery doesn't currently have an animation option for filtering grayscale. You can either wait for it to be added or use this JavaScript script instead:

function grayscale(div, millisec, bool){
    if (bool){ /* Apply grayscale effect */
        var i = 0;
        timertogray = setInterval(function addgray(){   
            if (i < 101){
                document.getElementById(div).style.filter = "grayscale(" + i + "%)"; 
                i = i + 10;
                 clearinterval(timertogray); /* Stop timer when grayscale is at 100% */
        }, millisec);
    }else{ /* Remove grayscale effect */
        var i = 100;
        timerfromgray = setInterval(function addgray(){ 
            if (i > 0){
                document.getElementById(div).style.filter = "grayscale(" + i + "%)"; 
                i = i - 10;
                clearinterval(timerfromgray); /* Stop timer when grayscale is at 0% */
        }, millisec);

Call the function like this:

grayscale('Content',100,true);  /* Apply grayscale effect */

grayscale('Content',100,false); /* Remove grayscale effect */

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