Using FEWER loops to create column classes on Twitter - What is their functionality?

Bootstrap utilizes various LESS mixins to create its column classes, along with other classes;

.make-grid-columns() {
  // Common styles for all sizes of grid columns, widths 1-12
  .col(@index) when (@index = 1) { // initial
    @item: ~".col-xs-@{index}, .col-sm-@{index}, .col-md-@{index}, .col-lg-@{index}";
    .col((@index + 1), @item);
  .col(@index, @list) when (@index =< @grid-columns) { // general; "=<" isn't a typo
    @item: ~".col-xs-@{index}, .col-sm-@{index}, .col-md-@{index}, .col-lg-@{index}";
    .col((@index + 1), ~"@{list}, @{item}");
  .col(@index, @list) when (@index > @grid-columns) { // terminal
    @{list} {
      position: relative;
      // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
      min-height: 1px;
      // Inner gutter via padding
      padding-left:  (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
      padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
  .col(1); // kickstart it

The use of LESS mixin guards helps in creating loops, as demonstrated in the LESS documentation examples;

.loop(@counter) when (@counter > 0) {
  .loop((@counter - 1));    // next iteration
  width: (10px * @counter); // code for each iteration

div {
  .loop(5); // launch the loop

Understanding the intricate nested guard expressions used by Bootstrap can be challenging. Would appreciate a detailed comment on the above Bootstrap code to shed more light on its functionality.

Answer №1

The main objective of the .make-grid-columns() mixin is to dynamically generate multiple selectors that share common properties. It's crucial for this list to be generated dynamically as the number of columns (@grid-columns) may vary and cannot be hardcoded into the code.

You provided a good example illustrating how loops work in Less within your question.

To fully grasp mixins, it's important to understand that Less allows you to use the same mixin name multiple times. All 'matching' mixins will be included in the final CSS output. Using mixin guards like when () allows you to set conditions for when a particular mixin should be compiled. If the condition isn't met, the mixin won't be included. Additionally, pattern matching can be employed to match values based on different criteria:


When calling .mixin(a,20px);, only the first mixin will be matched. Matching can also be based on the number of arguments passed (arity). For instance, .col(@index) when (@index = 1) doesn't require a guard because it has only one argument. Therefore, .col(1); will only match based on arity, not the guard condition. The .col(@index) mixin calls the .col(@index, @list) mixin(s). In cases where two mixins are needed instead of an if/else statement, Less supports the usage of multiple mixins to achieve the desired result.

Alternatively, a mixin with additional arguments can be utilized:

.mixin(@iterator; @item:~""; @seperator:~"") when (@iterator < 5){
@list: ~"@{item} @{seperator} @{iterator}";
.mixin((@iterator + 1); @list; ",");
.mixin(@iterator; @list; @seperator) when (@iterator = 5){
@{list}: value;

In this setup, the @seperator variable changes between iterations to reflect the appropriate joining character needed within the selector list.

Selector interpolation is used in @{list} { } to incorporate the list of selectors along with their respective properties. Understanding and implementing these concepts is vital in working effectively with mixins in Less.

For more insights, I recommend reading the informative blog post by @seven-phases-max on generating selector lists using such structures.

Lastly, Bootstrap relies on an extensive list of selectors to avoid attribute selectors partially or entirely. The recommended CSS/Less approach offers an alternative way to handle column styling without relying heavily on attribute selectors, which could impact performance in certain situations.

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