Using Jquery to switch between different CSS styles

I'm currently working with a jQuery code that is functioning properly.

$(window).load(function() {

    $('.menuBtn').click(function(e) {
        (this.classList.contains('is-active') === true) ? this.classList.remove('is-active'): this.classList.add('is-active');


            'height': '100%',
            'overflow': 'hidden'



Lately, I made an update by adding the last line of code.

                'height': '100%',
                'overflow': 'hidden'

Upon clicking the button, the CSS mentioned above gets applied.

The issue I am facing is that when I click it again, it doesn't revert back to its original state. Would implementing a toggle feature solve this problem?

Answer №1

Have you thought about extending your series of lessons and using the toggleClass() method?


body.full {
    height: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;

JS (update the final line):


Answer №2

Add a personalized style to an element and switch it on and off with a toggle function.

.custom-style {
  height: 100%;
   overflow: hidden;


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