Using angular 7 to apply a dynamic CSS class on a span element

I want to dynamically change the CSS class of a span element in an ngx datatable based on the value.

Here is my HTML code:

<ngx-datatable #orderinvoice class="bootstrap" [rows]="invoiceSource" [headerHeight]="50" [footerHeight]="50"
            [rowHeight]="'45'" [scrollbarH]="true" [columnMode]="'force'" [limit]="limit"
            [sorts]="[{prop: 'sNo', dir: 'asc'}]">
            <ngx-datatable-column *ngFor="let column of displayColumns" [name]="">
                <ng-template let-column="column" ngx-datatable-header-template>
                <ng-template ngx-datatable-cell-template let-rowIndex="rowIndex" let-value="value" let-row="row">
                    <span [ngClass]="{'label label-primary': row[column.value] === 'Complete', 'label label-warning':row[column.value] === 'Processing' }"
                    *ngIf=" !== 'Actions'">{{row[column.value]}}</span>
                    <span *ngIf=" === 'Actions'">
                        <button class="btn btn-success mr-1 btn-fab" placement="top"
                            data-controls-modal="custom-modal-2" data-toggle="modal" data-backdrop="static"
                            data-keyboard="false" ngbTooltip="View" (click)="SerachInvoice(row , 'custom-modal-2')">
                            <i class="ft-eye"></i>
                        <button class="btn btn-primary mr-1 btn-fab" placement="top" ngbTooltip="Edit"
                        [disabled]="financeYear"   (click)="edit(row)">
                            <i class="ft-edit"></i>
                        <button class="btn btn-warning mr-1 btn-fab" placement="top" ngbTooltip="Print"
                            <i class="fa fa-paper-plane-o"></i>

In the code above, I am trying to apply a class based on a condition.

 <span [ngClass]="{'label label-primary': row[column.value] === 'Complete', 'label label-warning': row[column.value] === 'Processing' }"

I am not able to get the result of the class. Can you please help me understand what may be causing this issue?

Below are the bootstrap classes:

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