What is the best way to assign a single class from an array to every list item in a particular sequence?


<ul class="logoUl">
    <li class="orange"></li>
    <li class="blue"></li>
    <li class="green"></li>
    <li class="pink"></li>


if (selectedCategory == 'currentAll') {

    var strString = "orange,blue,green,pink";
    var strArray = strString.split(',');

    $.each(strArray, function (index, value) {
        $("ul.logoUl > li").addClass(value)

Within the ul element with the class logoUL, there are four list items representing an image. Occasionally, these list items may receive background colors which override their original color scheme.

Unfortunately, my current code fails to revert these colors back to their initial state if they have been altered.


Is there a way to loop through each list item individually and add one class at a time in order to restore the original color scheme of the image?

Answer №1

let colors = "orange,blue,green,pink",
    colorArray = colors.split(',');

$("<ul.logoUl > li>").each(function (index, value) {

See Demo

Without using a loop:

let colors = "orange,blue,green,pink",
    colorArray = colors.split(',');

$("<ul.logoUl > li").addClass(function (index) {
    return colorArray[index];

See Demo


If you want to revert back to the original color scheme of each li element after changing their classes, first remove the current class and then re-assign the original one like so:

let colors = "orange,blue,green,pink",
    colorArray = colors.split(',');

$("ul.logoUl > li")
    .removeClass() // Remove previous class
    .addClass(function (index) { // Add new class
        return colorArray[index];

See Demo

Answer №2

To implement this functionality, simply

if (selectedCategory == 'currentAll') {

    var strColors = "orange,blue,green,pink";
    var colorsArray = strColors.split(',');

    $.each(colorsArray, function (key, color) {
        $("ul.logoUl > li").eq(key).addClass(color);

Check out the live demo here: http://jsfiddle.net/joycse06/j4qqS/

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