Update the CSS styling in Angular when the mouse enters

I have a unique dart and event with their own ids created in separate controllers. My goal is to create a functionality where hovering over the dart highlights the corresponding event with the same id, and vice versa. The events are displayed on the image's right side with labels like shiftstart, BRK, etc. To achieve this, I've implemented code that broadcasts the id from the dart controller to the event schedule controller:

Dart controller:

 $scope.clicker = function(id)
      $rootScope.$broadcast("id changed", id);

Event controller:

$scope.$on("id changed", function(event, id)
            for(let i = 0; i < $ctrl.adherence.events.length; i++){
                if($ctrl.adherence.events[i].id == id)
      console.log("id in on: " + $ctrl.adherence.events[i].id + " other id 
      is " + id);

Here is my ng-mouseenter in my html for the dart:


<img src="${getDartImage(event)}" ng-mouseenter="clicker(${event.id})" class="dart">

And my ng-mouseenter for my event schedule:


                            ng-repeat="event in $ctrl.adherence.events"


While I can successfully match the ids and log them, I'm unsure of how to change the CSS styling of the dart by clicking on the event and vice versa.

Answer №1

To enhance user experience, consider implementing ngMouseenter and ngMouseleave events for both the dart board and score board. Broadcast an event with relevant data such as ID. https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngMouseenter https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngMouseleave

$scope.onDartEnter = function(dartId){
  $rootScope.$broadcast('dartEnter',{id: dartId});

$scope.onScoreEnter = function(scoreId){
  $rootScope.$broadcast('scoreEnter',{id: scoreId});

Update CSS styling:

$scope.$on("scoreEnter", function(event, params){
    var scoreObject = findScoreById(params.id);  // implementation required
    scoreObject.customClass = 'enter';

Example HTML structure:

<div ng-repeat="score in scores">
  <div id="name" ng-class="score.customClass">{{score.name}}</div>

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