The issue I am facing with this self-closing TITLE tag causing disruption to my webpage

I am encountering a problem with my basic webpage.


When viewed in both Chrome and Firefox, the webpage breaks. The issue seems to be related to the self-closing Title tag. Removing the TITLE tag or adding an actual title resolves the issue.

<title>Test Page</title>

I have searched for information on whether self-closing TITLE tags are invalid, but I couldn't find any definitive answer.

Answer №1

When you come across a void element:

<img />
<br />

Remember, these elements have no content because there is no place to put it. It's like an empty container with just a background image.

On the other hand, take a look at elements like:


These actually contain content (text in this case).

The reason why your page breaks when you use <title/> is because a webpage must have a title - otherwise, it will display the URL of the page such as

You must provide a valid title using an opening and closing tag, since <title> is not a void element. Verify this on an HTML validation website like

In summary - <title> is not self-closing and requires both tags to function correctly.

EDIT: Further research on this website confirms that:

Self-closing: No

This means they are not self-closing elements. To see a list of self-closing elements, check out here.

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