Update the background URL of a div element using an HTML tag

My question is about a CSS div with set dimensions and background that I want to change on hover.

I am aware that this seems like a simple task, but what I really want to do is retrieve the background sources from within the HTML tag itself.

For example:

<div class="somediv" data-imgbefore="img1.png" data-imgafter="img2.png"></div>

If anyone could assist me with this query, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect without using jQuery, you can utilize basic Event Listeners. Check out this example: https://jsfiddle.net/gnu9utos/3/

// Identify the element to interact with
var element = document.querySelector('.somediv');

// If we successfully get the element from the document
if(element) {
    var before = element.getAttribute('data-imgbefore');
    var after = element.getAttribute('data-imgafter');

    if(before && after) {
        element.style.background = 'url(' + before + ')'; // Set initial state

        // Event listener for mouseover
        element.addEventListener('mouseover', function(event) {
            element.style.background = 'url(' + after + ')';

        // Event listener for mouseout
        element.addEventListener('mouseout', function(event) {
            element.style.background = 'url(' + before + ')'; 

You may consider adding a check for mouseleave to restore the image to its original state and applying some CSS styles.

I trust this information proves useful to you.

Answer №2

Try out this simple JQ code snippet to achieve the desired effect

While it may not be the most optimal solution, it gets the job done. I included a background-color for demonstration purposes, which can be removed leaving only the background-image

Check out the implementation on this JsFiddle link

This script creates two variables and assigns them to each image (before and after img) within div elements with the class name .somediv

An initial background-image is added to the div element

Upon hover, the background-image of the div toggles between imgbefore and imgafter

JQuery Code:


  var imgbef = $(this).data("imgbefore"),
      imgaft = $(this).data("imgafter")
  $(this).css({'background-image': 'url(' + imgbef + ')','background-color':'red'});


     $(this).css({'background-image': 'url(' + imgaft + ') ','background-color':'blue'});
  }, function(){
     $(this).css({'background-image': 'url(' + imgbef + ')','background-color':'red'});


HTML Structure:

<div class="somediv" data-imgbefore="img1.png" data-imgafter="img2.png"></div>

CSS Styling:

.somediv {

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance

Answer №3

To achieve this effect, utilize JavaScript. Additionally, you can incorporate an onmouseleave function and pass this.dataset.imgbefore as the second argument.

changebg = function(el, img) {
var bg = "url("+img+")";
el.style.backgroundImage = bg;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="somediv" id="mydiv" data-imgbefore="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/sports" data-imgafter="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/animals" onmouseover="changebg(this, this.dataset.imgafter)">Lorem</div>

Answer №4

If you want to customize the appearance of your div elements, simply update the data-imgbefore and data-imgafter attributes!


$('.somediv').each(function( index, value ) {
var img = $(this).attr('data-imgbefore');
$('.somediv').css({'background-image':'url('+ img +')', 'background-size':'200px 200px'});

//$('.somedive').css({'background-image':'url("http://www.palladio-tv.it/Internet/siti_gec/2B/Manzan_Disney/codice/Pippo.png")', 'background-size':'200px 200px'});


function () {
var img = $(this).attr('data-imgafter');
$(this).css({'background-image':'url('+ img +')', 'background-size':'200px 200px'});

function () {
var img = $(this).attr('data-imgbefore');
$(this).css({'background-image':'url('+ img +')', 'background-size':'200px 200px'});
.somediv {width:200px;height:200px;border:1px solid #F2F2F2;border-radius:4px;display:block;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div class="somediv" data-imgbefore="http://www.palladio-tv.it/Internet/siti_gec/2B/Manzan_Disney/codice/Pippo.png" data-imgafter="http://www.filastrocche.it/contenuti/wp-content/uploads/2001/04/pippogoofy_352.jpg"></div>
<div class="somediv" data-imgbefore="http://www.palladio-tv.it/Internet/siti_gec/2B/Manzan_Disney/codice/Pippo.png" data-imgafter="http://www.filastrocche.it/contenuti/wp-content/uploads/2001/04/pippogoofy_352.jpg"></div>


Answer №5

It seems like you may be struggling to achieve your goal. Have you considered ditching the HTML tag requirement and experimenting with CSS :hover instead?

#somediv {
    background: url(...);

#somediv:hover {
    background: url(...); /* try a different URL */

Visit this link for more information on CSS background properties.

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