Update links within a designated div section

How can I change the color and alignment of anchor tags within the third child div that is part of a set of three nested divs? These child divs are arranged side by side within a parent div with the class .logo-bckgrnd-rpt. Although I have successfully targeted the third child div, my attempts to style the anchors within it seem to be unsuccessful. Here is the code I am using:

The .logo-bckgrnd-rpt class pertains to the parent div containing the three child divs. While I have been able to target the third child div, altering the color and alignment of the anchor tags within it has proven challenging.

.logo-bckgrnd-rpt div:nth-child(3) a:link,
.logo-bckgrnd-rpt div:nth-child(3) a:visited  {


Answer №1

To align the content, you can target the parent div in this way.

.logo-bckgrnd-rpt div:nth-child(3) {

If you need to change the color of the anchor tags, you can specify them like this.

.logo-bckgrnd-rpt div:nth-child(3) a, .logo-bckgrnd-rpt div:nth-child(3) a:visited {

Check out this demo below for reference.

.logo-bckgrnd-rpt div {
  float: left;
  width: 150px;
  height: 50px;
  background-color: #aaa;
  margin-right: 10px;
  padding: 10px;

.logo-bckgrnd-rpt div:nth-child(3) {

.logo-bckgrnd-rpt div:nth-child(3) a, .logo-bckgrnd-rpt div:nth-child(3) a:visited {
  display: block;
<div class="logo-bckgrnd-rpt">
        <a href="#">foo</a>
        <a href="#">bar</a>

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