Strange behaviors when using setinterval with classes

Currently working on enhancing a slider functionality, and I have observed that everything is functioning smoothly -

function Slider(element) {

    this.i = 0;

    this.element = element;

    var self = this;

    this.timer = window.setInterval(function() {
        switch (self.i) {
            case 0:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "-33.3333%" });
            case 1:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "-66.6666%" });
            case 2:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "0%" });
                self.i = 0;
    }, 2000);

Slider.prototype.stop = function() {

var i = 0;
$(".multi").each( function(){
    label = "label_" + i;
    window[label] = new Slider($(this));

$(".multi-nav a").click( function(e){
    number = $(this).parent().attr("class").split(" ").pop();
    label = "label_" + number;

Check out the demo here -

However, I am currently working on adding animations to toggle classes on the targets of the events that stop the interval:

function Slider(element) {

    this.i = 0;

    this.element = element;

    var self = this;

    this.timer = window.setInterval(function() {
        switch (self.i) {
            case 0:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "-33.3333%" });
                $(".multi-nav a").velocity({ opacity: ".5" });
                $(".multi-nav ." + self.i).velocity({ opacity: "1" });
            case 1:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "-66.6666%" });
                $(".multi-nav a").velocity({ opacity: ".5" });
                $(".multi-nav ." + self.i).velocity({ opacity: "1" });
            case 2:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "0%" });
                $(".multi-nav a").velocity({ opacity: ".5" });
                $(".multi-nav ." + self.i).velocity({ opacity: "1" });
                self.i = 0;
    }, 2000);

Slider.prototype.stop = function() {

var i = 0;
$(".multi").each( function(){
    label = "label_" + i;
    window[label] = new Slider($(this));

$(".multi-nav a").click( function(e){
    number = $(this).parent().attr("class").split(" ").pop();
    label = "label_" + number;

See the updated demo here -

Answer №1

Seems like the problem stemmed from the animations triggering on multiple matching elements simultaneously. This caused both intervals to be halted in order for either one to cease animating.

var sliderId = 0;
function Slider(element) { = sliderId;

    this.i = 0;

    this.element = element;

    var self = this;

    this.timer = window.setInterval(function() {
        switch (self.i) {
            case 0:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "-33.3333%" },{delay: 1500, duration: 500 });
                $(".multi-nav." + + " .active" ).removeClass("active");
                $(".multi-nav." + + " ." + self.i).addClass("active");
            case 1:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "-66.6666%" }, { delay: 1500, duration: 500 });
                $(".multi-nav." + + " .active" ).removeClass("active");
                $(".multi-nav." + + " ." + self.i ).addClass("active");
            case 2:
                $(element).velocity({ translateX: "0%" }, {delay: 1500, duration: 500 });
                $(".multi-nav." + + " .active" ).removeClass("active");
                $(".multi-nav." + + " ." + self.i ).addClass("active");
                self.i = 0;
    }, 2000);

By including the .id in the object and using it within my animations, I was able to resolve the issue!

Answer №2

When implementing the following steps:

  • call Slider() on the ".multi-wrap" wrappers, instead of the ".multi" elements
  • locate the ".multi" and ".multi-nav" elements within each wrapper
  • incorporate the stop functionality in the Slider() function rather than using a .stop() method

You will notice that :

  • the necessity for, properties diminishes in favor of private variables
  • the reliance on globals diminishes
  • the requirement for new lessens and invocation becomes simpler.

Your implementation may resemble something like this :

function Slider(index, wrapper) {
    var i = 0;
    var $multi = $(wrapper).find(".multi");
    var $multiNav = $multi.siblings(".multi-nav");
    var timer = window.setInterval(function() {
        $multi.velocity({ translateX: ['-33.3333%', '-66.6666%', '0%'][i] });
        $multiNav.velocity({ opacity: '1' });
        $multiNav.find("a").velocity({ opacity: '.5' });
        i = (i + 1) % 3;
    }, 2000);
    $multiNav.find("a").click(function(e) {

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