Get the maximum width in pixels through JavaScript when it is specified in different units within the CSS

I'm looking to retrieve the max-width value in px from CSS for use in a JavaScript code. The challenge is that this value might be specified in different units in the CSS file. Any suggestions on how to achieve this using JavaScript?

const element = document.querySelector("div")
const elementMaxWidth = window.getComputedStyle(element).maxWidth
div {max-width: 50%}
<div>Lorem, ipsum.</div>

Answer №1

Just a heads up: There aren't any built-in solutions for this, so the method outlined here is kind of a hack. This has only been tested on Chrome and Firefox, so it might not work on other browsers.

const element = document.querySelector("div");
const previousWidth =; = "100000000cm"; /* equals 1000km */
const maxWidthOfElement = element.offsetWidth; = previousWidth;
console.log(maxWidthOfElement + "px");
div {
  max-width: 50%
<div>Lorem ipsum.</div>

Answer №2

To find the total width of a percentage value, simply multiply the percentage by the parent element's width.

    innerBox = document.querySelector("#box"),
    outerBox = innerBox.parentNode,
    childMaxWidth = getComputedStyle(innerBox).maxWidth.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, "") / 100,
    outerBoxWidth = getComputedStyle(outerBox).width.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, "");
Inner box max-width: ${childMaxWidth * 100}%
Outer box width: ${outerBoxWidth}px
Total width in pixels: ${childMaxWidth * outerBoxWidth}px`);
  width: auto;
  height: auto;

  max-width: 85%;
  max-height: auto;
<div id="container">
  <p id="box">Lorem ipsum</p>

Answer №3

To obtain the width of the parent div in pixels, use the offsetWidth property and then calculate the max-width of the required div by multiplying it with a previously obtained percentage:

const element = document.querySelector("div")
const parentElement = element.parentNode
let maxWidthPercentage = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(element).maxWidth)/100;
let calculatedWidth = (parentElement.offsetWidth * maxWidthPercentage)

// Checking accuracy with offsetWidth
div {max-width: 50%}
<div>Lorem ipsum.</div>

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