Finding the location of in the Firebug tool

After encountering issues with CSS3 properties not working on IE 7 and IE 8, I decided to include PIE.HTC.

Visit this link for more information

Upon viewing the page in IE, I realized that the CSS3 properties were not being applied as expected. I attempted to check if the file was loaded, but couldn't locate it. Turning to Firebug to inspect the resources loaded in the Net Tab, I still couldn't find it. Any idea where it should be located in the Firebug Net tab?

Sincerely, Mike

Answer №1

When using Firebug in Firefox, you may notice that is not being displayed. This is because htc files are specifically designed to be loaded by Internet Explorer and other browsers will simply ignore them.

(Although it is possible to run Firebug Lite in IE, I suspect this is not the case for you since Firebug Lite does not have a 'Net' tab. Feel free to correct me if I am mistaken)

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