Unusual visual effect of an SVG line on the bottom border

Can someone tell me if using an svg line creates a strange effect on the border-bottom?


This is the HTML code I have:

<div id="father">
  <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1440 320" style="transform: rotate(360deg);background: #34495e;">
    <path fill-opacity="1" d="M0,224L60,208C120,192,240,160,360,138.7C480,117,600,107,720,138.7C840,171,960,245,1080,245.3C1200,245,1320,171,1380,133.3L1440,96L1440,320L1380,320C1320,320,1200,320,1080,320C960,320,840,320,720,320C600,320,480,320,360,320C240,320,120,320,60,320L0,320Z" fill="#e4f1fe"></path>
  <div id="subsling"></div>
  <!-- This line appears and disappears depending on the size of the browser window. -->

Answer №1

In my opinion, it would be beneficial to include the following CSS code: svg{display:block;} within the svg element

#subsling{background: #e4f1fe;padding:1em;}
<div id="father">
        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1440 320" style="transform: rotate(360deg);background: #34495e;">
          <path fill-opacity="1" d="M0,224L60,208C120,192,240,160,360,138.7C480,117,600,107,720,138.7C840,171,960,245,1080,245.3C1200,245,1320,171,1380,133.3L1440,96L1440,320L1380,320C1320,320,1200,320,1080,320C960,320,840,320,720,320C600,320,480,320,360,320C240,320,120,320,60,320L0,320Z" fill="#e4f1fe"></path>
 <div id="subsling">
   <p>wertyui wertyuio ertyufghjklñ  ertyuiop eghjkl </p>

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