Unusual Blank Space in HTML CSS Design

While working on my website, I noticed a peculiar white space appearing at the bottom of the page, but only when using Internet Explorer. Safari looks fine. I am currently using IE8.

I would like the white background to end after the black navigation links.

Despite my efforts, I can't seem to pinpoint which part of the CSS is causing this white space issue.

Thank you for any assistance provided.

Answer â„–1

Consider including the following:

  display: inline-block;
  margin-left: 51px;

Unfortunately, I don't have access to IE8 for testing purposes. However, I utilized the "IE tester" program which revealed the issue.

Answer â„–2

If you utilize Firebug (a Firefox add-on), you have the ability to highlight any white space and it will reveal its location within the DOM, specifically which HTML element is responsible for generating it.

You can also easily toggle the individual styles on and off in real-time.

In Internet Explorer, you can achieve a similar result by pressing F12 and accessing the 'Developer Tools' console. From there, choose the option to 'Select Element by Click'.

Answer â„–3

Experiment with using display:block, margin:0, and/or padding:0 on the specific element. It's likely that one of these properties is causing the issue.

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