Unusual behavior observed in Google Font when using display=swap

After attempting to integrate a Google Font API into my website by adding the following code to my HTML:

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Playfair+Display|Source+Serif+Pro|Suwannaphum&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

I encountered an issue where text using the specified font would briefly display as small before returning to its normal size.

Through trial and error, I discovered that removing the &display=swap section from the code resolved the glitch and allowed me to use the font without any issues.

I am curious as to why including &display=swap caused this glitch, especially since I directly copied the code from the Google Fonts API website.

Answer №1

When you include &display=swap, it sets font-display: swap, enabling the smaller fallback font to be displayed until the main font is loaded and can replace it.

If you do not use &display=swap, you won't encounter problems with font changes, but there will be a longer delay before text using the font becomes visible on your site.

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