There is a slight gap between the svg element and the path

Here is the size of my path tag (g tag is same size)

This is the size of my SVG tag

There is a gap between them.

These are the inline attributes...

<svg preserveAspectRatio="none" class="JDicon JDicon__svg JDicon--white JDicon--large" alignment-baseline="central" version="1.1" data-tip="false" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<path d="M56.562,6.875 L3.437,6.875 C1.539,6.875 -0.000,5.336 -0.000,3.437 C-0.000,1.539 1.539,-0.000 3.437,-0.000 L56.562,-0.000 C58.461,-0.000 60.000,1.539 60.000,3.437 C60.000,5.336 58.461,6.875 56.562,6.875 ZM3.437,24.062 L32.656,24.062 C34.555,24.062 36.094,25.601 36.094,27.500 C36.094,29.398 34.555,30.937 32.656,30.937 L3.437,30.937 C1.539,30.937 -0.000,29.398 -0.000,27.500 C-0.000,25.601 1.539,24.062 3.437,24.062 ZM43.437,30.937 C41.539,30.937 40.000,29.398 40.000,27.500 C40.000,25.601 41.539,24.062 43.437,24.062 L43.562,24.062 C45.461,24.062 47.000,25.601 47.000,27.500 C47.000,29.398 45.461,30.937 43.562,30.937 L43.437,30.937 ZM3.437,47.125 L56.562,47.125 C58.461,47.125 60.000,48.664 60.000,50.562 C60.000,52.461 58.461,54.000 56.562,54.000 L3.437,54.000 C1.539,54.000 -0.000,52.461 -0.000,50.562 C-0.000,48.664 1.539,47.125 3.437,47.125 Z">

This is the CSS for SVG

    width: 1.8rem;
    height: 1.8rem;

I am trying to understand why there is this space.

Answer №1

There are two issues to address: Firstly, your icon is not a perfect square and there is a noticeable gap on the right side of the icon.

To elaborate, when the <svg> is set at 1.8rem (32px in CodePen), the <g> is calculated at 30x27px. However, adjusting the height and width of <svg> to 3rem (48px in CodePen) results in a <g> dimension of 45x40.5px. Due to the forced square shape of <svg>, this discrepancy leads to the observed gap.

Secondly, it is important for the width of <g> to align with the width of <svg>. Unfortunately, the width of <g> consistently remains at 93.75% of the total width, rendering a 6.25% gap within the icon itself.

Answer №2

Hey there, take a look at this solution for your SVG issue. Thank you!

svg {
  width: 2rem;
  height: auto;
<svg class="JDicon JDicon__svg JDicon--white JDicon--large" alignment-baseline="central" version="1.1" data-tip="false" viewBox="0 0 62 56"><g><path d="M56.562,6.875 L3.437,6.875 C1.539,6.875 -0.000,5.336 -0.000,3.437 C-0.000,1.539 1.539,-0.000 3.437,-0.000 L56.562,-0.000 C58.461,-0.000 60.000,1.539 60.000,3.437 C60.000,5.336 58.461,6.875 56.562,6.875 ZM3.437,24.062 L32.656,24.062 C34.555,24.062 36.094,25.601 36.094,27.500 C36.094,29.398 34.555,30.937 32.656,30.937 L3.437,30.937 C1.539,30.937 -0.000,29.398 -0.000,27.500 C-0.000,25.601 1.539,24.062 3.437,24.062 ZM43.437,30.937 C41.539,30.937 40.000,29.398 40.000,27.500 C40.000,25.601 41.539,24.062 43.437,24.062 L43.562,24.062 C45.461,24.062 47.000,25.601 47.000,27.500 C47.000,29.398 45.461,30.937 43.562,30.937 L43.437,30.937 ZM3.437,47.125 L56.562,47.125 C58.461,47.125 60.000,48.664 60.000,50.562 C60.000,52.461 58.461,54.000 56.562,54.000 L3.437,54.000 C1.539,54.000 -0.000,52.461 -0.000,50.562 C-0.000,48.664 1.539,47.125 3.437,47.125 Z"></path></g></svg>

Your should be viewBox="0 0 62 54" instead of viewBox="0 0 62 62"

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