Here is the size of my path tag (g tag is same size)
This is the size of my SVG tag
There is a gap between them.
These are the inline attributes...
<svg preserveAspectRatio="none" class="JDicon JDicon__svg JDicon--white JDicon--large" alignment-baseline="central" version="1.1" data-tip="false" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<path d="M56.562,6.875 L3.437,6.875 C1.539,6.875 -0.000,5.336 -0.000,3.437 C-0.000,1.539 1.539,-0.000 3.437,-0.000 L56.562,-0.000 C58.461,-0.000 60.000,1.539 60.000,3.437 C60.000,5.336 58.461,6.875 56.562,6.875 ZM3.437,24.062 L32.656,24.062 C34.555,24.062 36.094,25.601 36.094,27.500 C36.094,29.398 34.555,30.937 32.656,30.937 L3.437,30.937 C1.539,30.937 -0.000,29.398 -0.000,27.500 C-0.000,25.601 1.539,24.062 3.437,24.062 ZM43.437,30.937 C41.539,30.937 40.000,29.398 40.000,27.500 C40.000,25.601 41.539,24.062 43.437,24.062 L43.562,24.062 C45.461,24.062 47.000,25.601 47.000,27.500 C47.000,29.398 45.461,30.937 43.562,30.937 L43.437,30.937 ZM3.437,47.125 L56.562,47.125 C58.461,47.125 60.000,48.664 60.000,50.562 C60.000,52.461 58.461,54.000 56.562,54.000 L3.437,54.000 C1.539,54.000 -0.000,52.461 -0.000,50.562 C-0.000,48.664 1.539,47.125 3.437,47.125 Z">
This is the CSS for SVG
width: 1.8rem;
height: 1.8rem;
I am trying to understand why there is this space.