The div element is failing to occupy the entire page

I have encountered an issue where I created two small blocks, but they do not start from the screen edges. Instead, they take up space from the left, right, and top as well. Here is my code:


  <div id="header"></div>    
  <div id="block1"></div>    




Access the jsFiddle link here

Answer №1

In order to fix the default user agent stylesheet, you need to reset it.

Here is a simple example.

body {

See the jsFiddle demo for reference.

If you're interested in more about CSS resets, I recommend checking out Eric Meyer's article on this page.

Answer №2

The standard default body size comes with a built-in margin and padding. To reset it to zero, use the following code:

    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;

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