How about using a JQuery variable?

I'm a beginner in jQuery and I have this code snippet that displays a div when a specific link on a map is hovered over:

<div id="locationmap">
    <a class="linkhide" id="link1" href="#">Occupier 1</a>
    <a class="linkhide" id="link2" href="#">Occupier 2</a>
    <a class="linkhide" id="link3" href="#">Occupier 3</a>
<div id="mapdetail">
    <div class="hideme" id="local1" style="display:none;">
        <p>Some content one</p>
    <div class="hideme" id="local2" style="display:none;">
        <p>Some content two</p>
    <div class="hideme" id="local3" style="display:none;">
        <p>Some content three</p>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
    $("#link1, #link2, #link3").mouseover(function() { 
      var num = $(this).attr('id').replace("link",'');

    $(".linkhide").mouseout(function() { $(".hideme").css('display','none'); });

Is there a way to optimize the repeated .fadeIn(500) for each link?

Here's my JSfiddle:


Answer №1

function displayBox(id) {
    return function() { $("#box" + id).show(500); }


Answer №2

To simplify the connection between the links and the div, consider using data-attributes...

<a data-index="3"...

$('a.linkshow').mouseover(function() {
  var element = '#element' + $(this).data('index');

Answer №3

While the existing answers are valid, I wanted to offer my solution that utilizes the link itself to determine what content to display. By creating a JavaScript function that reads the hash value of the link, you can use it as a selector for displaying content with fade-ins. This approach also ensures graceful degradation for users with disabled JavaScript, as the hash link will still direct them to the correct content.


var fade = function(){
    var contentSelector = this.hash;

Then set up the mouseovers:


Alternatively, you could simplify by using:


Add the corresponding links in the HTML:

<a class="linkhide" id="linkone" href="#content1">Link 1</a>
<a class="linkhide" id="linktwo" href="#content2">Link 2</a>
<a class="linkhide" id="linkthree" href="#content3">Link 3</a>
<a class="linkhide" id="linkfour" href="#content4">Link 4</a>

And so on...

Check out the demonstration on JSFiddle -

Answer №4

This method does not require any changes to the HTML code. By simply altering the link's ID, you could significantly enhance its efficiency.

$(".linkhide").mouseover(function() {
    var linkDivMap = { 'one' : 1, 'two' : 2, 'three' : 3, 'four' : 4 };
    var contentBox =$(this).attr('id').replace('link','');
    $("#content" + linkDivMap[contentBox] ).fadeIn(500);

$(".linkhide").mouseout(function() { $(".hideme").css('display','none'); });

Answer №5

Enhanced code for improved functionality.

With this updated script, you can streamline your dynamic function usage and simplify the jQuery.mouseover() call across all .linkhide elements. This eliminates redundant code while building upon @MikeThomsen's initial solution.

$( document ).ready( function () {

  $( ".linkhide" ).mouseover( function ( event ) {

    var item_id = /([0-9]+)$/ )[1];

    $( "#local" + item_id ).fadeIn( 500 );

  } );

  $( ".linkhide" ).mouseout( function () {

      $( ".hideme" ).css( 'display', 'none' );

  } );

} );

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