Unusual behavior observed in CSS dropdown menus

I have encountered an issue with my dropdown lists. The lists function properly on hover, but if I click outside the list area, it still remains visible.

Despite my attempts to fix the problem in the CSS, I am unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the issue.

As a newcomer to CSS, I am seeking guidance on a more effective approach for styling dropdowns.


While testing this in Firefox, I was unable to replicate the issue. How can I ensure consistent functionality across all browsers?

Answer №1

After some adjustments, here's a condensed version of the example (I believe the separate CSS for multiple buttons is unnecessary; you can utilize classes and adjust specifics with #dropdown_two .classname for desired changes like position).

The issue in Chrome seems to stem from the container width exceeding that of the button itself, causing misbehavior. While not perfect, this revised code should serve as a starting point. I've made certain values dynamic (using em instead of px) so there may be minor hitches.

#dropdown-one {
  margin-left: 20em;
.dropbtn {
    color: white;
    width: 100%;
  height: 3.2em;
    font-size: 16px;
    border: none;
    cursor: pointer;
    text-align: left;
    font-weight: 900;
    background: rgba(0, 173, 239, 1);
    border-radius: 0px;
    -moz-border-radius: 0px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 50px 50px 50px 50px;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 2;

.dropdown {
    position: relative;
    display: block;
    width: 12.5em;
    background: antiquewhite;

.dropdown-content {
    display: none;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;
    background-color: #f9f9f9;
    box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
    top: -20px;

.sphere {
    height: 2.9em;
    width: 2.9em;
    border-radius: 50%;
  border: 2px solid rgba(0, 173, 239, 1);
    /* position: relative; */
    background: black;
    position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: .1em;
    z-index: 2;
.dropdown-content a {
    table-layout: fixed;
    color: black;
    padding: .75em;
    text-decoration: none;
    display: block;
    border: 1px solid #000;
    border-top: none;
    font-size: 21px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
.dropdown-content a:first-child {
  padding-top: 35px;
  background: url("Images/sidearrow.png") no-repeat 7px 36px;

.dropdown a {
background:url("Images/sidearrow.png") no-repeat 7px;

.dropdown-content a:first-child:hover {
  background: url("Images/sidewhite.png") no-repeat 3px 36px;
  background-color: rgb(255,131,0);

.dropdown-content a:hover {
background:url("Images/sidewhite.png") no-repeat 3px;
background-color: rgb(255,131,0);

.dropdown:hover .dropdown-content {
    display: block;

.dropdown:hover .dropbtn {
    background-color: #3e8e41;

div#arrow {
    position: absolute;
    margin-left: 10px;
    margin-top: 11px;
<div class="averios-header">
<div id="setting-dropdown">

<div id="log-in">
<div id="loginHeader">
<div id="welcome-text">
<p> Welcome name </p>
<p> Your last login was time on date </p>
<p> Please select an application below to begin </p>
<div id="dropdown-one">
<div class="dropdown">
  <button class="dropbtn">SELECT</button>
  <div class="sphere">
<div id="arrow">
<img src="C:\Users\mseh\Desktop\Images\arrow.png" width="29" height="27" alt=""/>
  <div class="dropdown-content">
<a href="#">Link 1</a>
<a href="#">Link 1</a>
<a href="#">Link 1</a>
<a href="#">Link 1</a>

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