Ways to extract specific HTML from a jQuery element

When fetching html from a website, how can I extract specific html content instead of getting all of it? I have attempted the following method:

Before appending data to the target below


I would like to perform something like

and then execute container.html(data);

Is there a way to accomplish this?



<div id="target"></div>


$(function () {
    var container = $('#target');
    var url = 'http://aamirshahzad.net';

    $.getJSON("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?" +
        "q=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%22" + encodeURIComponent(url) +

    function (data) {
        if (data.results[0]) {
            var filteredData = filterData(data.results[0]);
        } else {
            var errormsg = '<p>Error: could not load the page.</p>';
            container.html(errormsg).focus().effect('highlight', {
                color: '#c00'
            }, 1000);


function filterData(data) {
    // filter all unwanted content
    // no body tags
    data = data.replace(/<?\/body[^>]*>/g, '');
    // no linebreaks
    data = data.replace(/[\r|\n]+/g, '');
    // no comments
    data = data.replace(/<--[\S\s]*?-->/g, '');
    // no noscript blocks
    data = data.replace(/<noscript[^>]*>[\S\s]*?<\/noscript>/g, '');
    // no script blocks
    data = data.replace(/<script[^>]*>[\S\s]*?<\/script>/g, '');
    // no self closing scripts
    data = data.replace(/<script.*\/>/, '');
    // [... add more filters as needed ...]
    return data;

Answer №1

Simply put:


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